

10:00 am Celebration hosted by the “Al-Iffa Wal-Tawfik” Association for Child and Elderly Welfare, honoring children marking child day, at the public hall of Ain Anoub town – Aley district.

11:00 am Panel discussion organized by the “Taqaddom” Party on “Women’s Struggle and Their Leadership Role in Society,” at their office in Jdeideh, featuring governance expert Josephine Zgheib, and journalist and writer Badia Fahs.

12:00 pm Official opening of the “Hybrid Operating Room Conference: Ensuring Safety in Complex Operations – Interventions in Hybrid OR, where Complexity meets Safety,” organized by the Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine at the Lebanese American University (LAU), with the support of the Lebanese Society of Cardiology and the Lebanese Society of Vascular Surgery, at LAU Medical Center – Rizk Hospital, to discuss innovative modern approaches to treating heart and vascular patients. The conference starts at 8:30 am.

1:00 pm Caretaker Minister of Agr
iculture, Dr. Abbas El-Hajj Hassan, visits the Agriculture Department in Akkar, at the department’s building, holding a series of meetings with department employees and farmers and visiting some potato fields.

6:00 pm Iftar for Social Welfare Institutions – Islamic Orphanage – Bekaa for men and women, at the hall of Al-Nibras Agricultural Complex at Al-Nibras Care and Development Complex – Khirbet Rouha.

Source: National news agency – Lebanon