Royal Decree Promulgates Omani Nationality Law

Royal Decree Promulgates Omani Nationality Law

Muscat: His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik today issued Royal Decree No. 17/2025 on the promulgation of the Omani Nationality Law. The decree outlines the enforcement of the new law and the cancellation of previous decrees that contradict its provisions.

According to Oman News Agency, Article (1) of the decree mandates the enforcement of the provisions of the Omani Nationality Law attached to the decree. This marks a significant update to the nationality regulations in the country.

Article (2) assigns the responsibility to the Minister of Interior to issue the Executive Regulation and decisions necessary for implementing the provisions of the new law. Until these regulations are established, existing regulations and decisions will remain in effect for matters not addressed by the new law, provided they do not conflict with its provisions.

Article (3) effectively cancels Royal Decree No. 38/2014 on the Omani Nationality Law, along with any other legal provisions that contradict the newly attached law.

Article (4) states that the Royal Decree will be published in the Official Gazette and will be enforced starting the day following its publication, ensuring a swift implementation of the new nationality regulations.