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Palestinian factions sign unity agreement in Beijing meeting

KUWAIT, At the invitation of the Chinese side, high-level representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held a reconciliation dialogue in Beijing from July 21 to 23, signing an agreement for unity during their participation, Xinhua News Agency said on Tuesday.

The Palestinian factions inked a declaration on ending division and strengthening unity, it is the first time that 14 Palestinian factions have gathered in Beijing for a reconciliation dialogue, bringing hope to the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian political landscape has been characterized by deep divisions, primarily between the two major factions: Fatah and Hamas.

There have been multiple attempts at reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas over the years, with varying levels of success, multiple agreements were signed but failed to result in lasting unity.

This meeting is significant not only because of the number of factions involved but also due to the involvement of China as a mediator.

China has been increasingly active in the Middle East, po
sitioning itself as a mediator in regional conflicts. Hosting this dialogue signifies China’s growing diplomatic influence and interest in the Middle East, it represents a hopeful step toward peace in Palestine.

While challenges remain, the involvement of a major international player like China indicates a significant shift in the dynamics of Palestinian diplomacy, with potential ramifications for broader regional peace efforts.

Source: Kuwait News Agency