
Omani Ambassadors Visit Special Economic Zone at Duqm

Duqm, Omani Ambassadors to brotherly and friendly countries visited the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD) today.

The visit was organized by the Foreign Ministry, in cooperation with the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ).

The two-day visit’s program included an overview on the SEZAD and a visit to a number of projects namely the dry-dock, the port of Duqm, Saay commercial complex, the Duqm Refinery project, Karwa Motors, the Multipurpose Fishing Port and the Fisheries and Food Processing Complex.

Saleh Sulaiman al-Harthy, Oman’s Ambassador to the Republic of Kenya said that this visit came as an initiative from the OPAZ management, aiming to highlight the zone, its existing and planned vital facilities, economic establishments, investment facilities, commercial outlets and tourist resorts.

Al-Harthy further added that the zone is planned to be an integrated global economic gateway with a large strategic port that can serve shipping lines from east to west. The zone is one of the key partners in supporting Oman economy abroad, and will open new horizons of communication and cooperation in marketing this promising zone to gain its place on the global economic map.

Idris Abdulrahman al-Khanjari, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate to the United Nations (UN), underscored the importance of increasing visits for the targeted countries to view the zone, its components, available incentives and opportunities to help attract more diversified investments that add value and enhance strategic objectives.

He stressed the importance of rallying communication efforts with different countries by coordinating with the Foreign Ministry, the Sultanate’s diplomatic missions abroad, and Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which enjoys good relations with the joint Arab Chambers of Commerce worldwide.

At the end of the visit, the ambassadors of the Sultanate visited the rock garden, which is one of the most important geological sites in Oman, to see its unique and diverse rock formations.

Source: Oman News Agency