
Hamas calls for mobilization next Friday to defend Gaza, Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem

Gaza – Ma’an – Hamas called on Wednesday for a general mobilization and gathering in all squares, to make next Friday a day to defend Gaza, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

Hamas also called in a statement on the masses of our people in the city of Jerusalem, our people in the occupied interior, and the entire West Bank to continue to travel, stay, and seclude themselves in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Friday of Al-Aqsa on August 24, and to confront all attempts by extremists to storm and desecrate it, and to thwart their malicious plans seeking to divide it.

Hamas called on the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to strengthen and intensify the state of support and solidarity with the steadfastness of our people in the Gaza Strip, and with the people of Jerusalem in their steadfastness, jihad and sacrifices, so that we may all be partners in achieving the honor of contributing to the defense of Palestine and the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Hamas said on the 55th anniversary of the crime of burning Al-Aqsa
Mosque that ‘the Al-Aqsa flood united our people and strengthened our compass towards liberating the land and the holy sites, and the occupation has no legitimacy or sovereignty over an inch of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.’

She continued: ‘Our great people will remain with their valiant resistance in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem, the occupied interior, and in the refugee camps and diaspora, clinging to their land, rights and constants, and will remain a strong shield to defend the land and protect the holy sites until liberation and return.’

She pointed out that today marks the fifty-fifth anniversary of the crime of burning the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque on August 21, 1969, for our Palestinian people, our Arab and Islamic nation, and free people all over the world, in light of the Zionist occupation’s escalation of the war of genocide and horrific massacres against our people in the Gaza Strip, for the tenth consecutive month.

She stressed that this anniversary also comes amid the continuing crimes
of the fascist occupation government against our people in the occupied West Bank, and against our holy sites, at the heart of which is Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, through provocative incursions and frantic attempts to impose temporal and spatial division and implement Judaization plans, and target the defenders and people of Jerusalem with killing, deportation, arrest and persecution, while international silence, inaction and failure, and American and Western support for these crimes, massacres and violations continue.

Hamas said, ‘Our Palestinian people remember, in the midst of the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa and on this day, this heinous crime that was carried out with the complicity of the occupation authorities, in a desperate attempt to burn and obliterate the features of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the first of the two Qiblahs and the third of the two Holy Sanctuaries.’

She stressed that this crime and other crimes of the occupation targeting the identity and history of the city of
Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which have escalated in an unprecedented manner since October 7 of last year, will not succeed in changing their identity or imposing a fait accompli that enables the leaders of the occupation and its successive fascist governments to seize or impose sovereignty over an inch of them, no matter how long it takes and how great the sacrifices are. Our Palestinian people, in all places of their presence, with their unity and valiant resistance, will remain the protector and defender of them by all means, until their liberation and the end of the occupation.

She added that Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem will remain the title of the conflict with the occupation, and the compass of the unity of our people and our nation in defending it, supporting it, and standing in solidarity with its people and those stationed there, on the ground, politically, diplomatically, media-wise, and humanely, until it is liberated from the filth of the occupation.

She stressed that the occupatio
n has no sovereignty or legitimacy over an inch of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, as it is an Islamic endowment, and it was and will remain, and all the occupation’s attempts and plans to Judaize it or change its features, or obliterate its identity, or divide it temporally and spatially will not succeed, and it will remain purely Islamic and a destination for the hearts of the nation in all parts of the world.

She reiterated the necessity for the nation today, leaders and officials, peoples, governments and organizations, to assume their historical role and responsibilities in supporting the steadfastness and resistance of our people, to confront the danger and aggression of the occupation that targets the land, people and holy sites.

She stated that our Islamic nation, leaders and governments, which came together to support the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque after the crime of burning it in 1969, are called upon today to assume their historical responsibility in urgent and effective action to defend the blessed Al-A
qsa Mosque and protect it from the dangers of Judaization and the obliteration of its growing features.

Source: Maan News Agency