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Oman Calls on International Community to End Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories

The Sultanate of Oman has commended the advisory opinion issued on 19 July 2024 by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the legal consequences of the persistent Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, since 1967.

‘This opinion reflects the international community’s commitment to the principles of justice and international law, and it urges Israel to end its illegal presence in Palestine and compensate the Palestinian people for all damages emanating from its atrocious policies,’ said Oman.

Oman’s commendation of the ICJ opinion was unveiled in a statement delivered before the resumed 10 Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly by Khalid Saleh Al Rubkhi, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations.

“The adoption of the ICJ’s advisory opinion represents an important step forward in supporting the rights of the Palestinian people in accordance with international legitimacy,” said Oman.

Oman called on
the international community to assume a collective stance of responsibility to ensure the implementation of the advisory opinion and to work for the termination of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands and the realization of a fair, comprehensive solution that leads to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem (Al Quds) as its capital.

Oman expressed its deep concern over the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip due to Israel’s blockade and its ongoing military operations in the strip. In this context, Oman called for the immediate lifting of the seige and the facilitation of delivery of urgent humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

Oman also stressed the significance of international efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip and ensure decent life for Palestinians therein, namely by addressing the humanitarian situation, in addition to engagement in political efforts to achieve a lasting and comprehensive peace.

In conclusion of its statement, O
man called on all member states to support the draft resolution before the UN General Assembly. It pointed out that such support, though not a legal obligation, constitutes a moral responsibility to protect the rights of peoples. Oman also expressed its steadfast support for the Palestinian cause and reiterated its unwavering backing for the Palestinian people in their strive to realize their legitimate aspirations. This position, the statement said, stems from Oman’s strong conviction that ‘justice, equality and respect for the rule of law are the foundations through which lasting peace can be achieved’.

Source: Oman News Agency